Mild Depression
Do you suffer from mild depression?
The good news is that, so do many people from time to time. I’m always relieved when I hear that I’m amongst friends and not isolated with the way I feel. I hope you do too.
Still, you maybe having a few bad days and I’m guessing you were wondering if it’s anything serious and what you could do to feel better.

Mild depression is also referred to as dysthymia. The problem with dysthymia is that it can linger for a long period of time even though it’s not severe. Experts are not clear what causes mild depression.
Genes may play a role but many people affected with it don’t have a family history of depression. Or if they do have a family history of depression, the depression doesn’t usually create problems.
However, one problem with anyone suffering from dysthymia is that they are predisposed to developing severe depression symptoms.
It’s also thought that stress brought about by life problems can increase the chances of someone who normally doesn’t suffer from depression becoming mildly depressed.
These life stresses can include chronic illness, work problems, relationship problems and other medications.
Stop Mild Depression Turning Into Severe Depression
So even if we suffer from a mild form of depression, it’s important to look at ways that we can take care of ourselves and give ourselves every opportunity to bounce back.
It’s also important to recognize that that majority of the population has or will suffer from depression at sometime in their life.
It’s part of our human make up but it sends the message: something is not quite right, something needs to change, our human needs are not being met, and we are stifling our potential.
Being depressed can be a powerful turning point. And I guess what I’m saying is: it’s okay.
When I was mildly depressed I found it difficult to say this to myself. But I wish I had done so earlier because as soon as I acknowledged the depression and accepted it, life got so much better.
I could see that I was trying to force situation that was out of my control. Instead of walking away I just pushed harder and harder until I lost everything.
When I thought that was the end of my life as it was, it really wasn’t. But it was a powerful turning point and I’ve learned not to live with “my way or the highway”!
This article may help:
My Big Tip To Help With Mild Depression: FOOD
Of all the people I coached through depression, the ones that have had the best results are the ones who tackled their eating habits. For this reason I’m going to suggest that feeling physically better may help to dispel your mild depressive symptoms.
Food Affects Our Mood!
We all know that when we are depressed we often resort to comfort eating. It is really important to look at this issue when we’re feeling a little better so we can get some good eating habits in place.
There is plenty of medical advice available on what to eat and what not to eat, and it is often conflicting. We are bombarded by the message that eating the wrong foods can lead to illness and bad health.
The problem is that when we feel depressed, what’s in our fridge is of little importance to us.
For those of us that can munch through a pack of chocolate biscuits in five minutes, we know that if there’s one thing worse than feeling depressed, it’s feeling depressed and sick.
However, if you are trying to climb back up out of a spiral of depression, you have to pay attention to what you put into your mouth.
Foods That Exacerbate Depression
Certain foods can exacerbate depression. For instance, overdoing it on:
ice cream
white bread
processed foods
can make you feel dreadful for at least a couple of days. So you need to attend to your menu.
The Depression / Food Cycle
It’s easy to get into a cycle when you are depressed. You don’t care what you put in your mouth, so you feel worse, and then care even less.
But sometimes just being aware of the link between feeling awful and your eating pattern can be enough to spur you into action. As long as you have that awareness, the seed will germinate and grow in time.
Planning Ahead Is The Key
If you want to eat healthily, you should shop accordingly. And if you prepare healthy food earlier, it will become second nature to get out the good food and eat it.
Always include treats, but make sure the basics are included.
I generally find that by following these two rules I can keep my focus on good food:
Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
Eat three meals a day and nothing in between

Here's an article that talks more about the
mood/food connection:
Why Do We Bother With Good Food?
We feel much better about ourselves when we eat well. Eating junk is part of the self-perpetuating abuse that we pour on ourselves when we have little self-worth.
It’s easier to fall into the victim mentality when we don’t look after ourselves and then blame everyone else for not looking after us.
Changing our food is a tiny step towards beating depression.
A quick soup dish
Soften 1 onion and two sticks of celery in a pan with some olive oil.
Add 1 tin tomatoes, 1 tablespoon tomato puree, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tin cannellini beans and a pint of stock (a stock cube is fine.)
Simmer for 30 minutes then add herbs to taste (dried oregano is great, gives it a pizza flavor.)
Add grated cheese to serve.
Nutritious and comforting and hits the spot every time.
*** Please note this is not a replacement for an appointment with a medic and never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this web site.***