Overcome Your Anxiety
Could this be the course that finally helps you to overcome anxiety and reset your life?
"I didn't connect my anxiety levels and how I was making them worse. Her course made me see that I was a victim of my own doing...or should I say undoing. But since then I've felt much better. Anxiety not gone but definitely more manageable."
Sharon, 47.
What will happen as a result of taking the course?
What you will learn to do​
Understand why you're suffering from anxiety You think and believe rational things, instead of allowing the critical voice to control the brain.
How to manage panic attacks by responding to anxiety in a different way than you have in the past so that anxiety no longer frightens you and freaks you out.
Identify the triggers that spark anxiety off because identifying your triggers is an important step in managing them.
Learn to calm the frantic mind with tried and tested exercises including rational thinking and mindfulness
Reduce out-of-control fear because just knowing what makes you afraid and why can be the first step to overcoming anxiety
Discover how to re-attach to reality by reconnecting with your authentic self instead of denying your feelings.
Quieten the inner critical voice by challenging the negative thoughts that amplify our anxiety levels.
Determine what foods calm the body with a proven nutritional strategy known as blood sugar balance
Ascertain what you need to reset your sleep pattern with the correct ways to get it back on track.
Discover the best supplements & herbal tinctures for anxiety that could help restore your mind to a state of calm.
Learn which alternative therapies work to reduce anxiety including meditation, acupuncture, imagery and hypnosis.
Find out what medications have or haven’t worked for other people through the peer-to-peer reflection and feedback.
How you will feel
Calmer and better able to manage your anxiety symptoms.
Become more rational and logical.
You'll feel more confident.
You'll learn to control your thinking.
You'll feel more trusting of yourself and your decisions.
You'll feel differently about yourself.
Your beliefs about yourself will change.
You may feel grateful that you've been able to change you.
And feel happier.

I'm Alex and I suffered crippling anxiety for 8 years.
My symptoms included...
Feeling nervous, restless or tense
Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom
Having an increased heart rate
Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
Feeling weak or tired
Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present
Having trouble sleeping
Having difficulty controlling worry
Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety
I searched everywhere for help until I finally got my symptoms under control.
Now I write for people who are still struggling with anxiety...
...and now launching my first LIVE 4-Week workshop to help others who are still suffering and teach them everything I know to overcome anxiety.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does the course work?
A. The course is divided into 4 weeks when we meet online in the evening from 7.30pm - 9.00pm where I share with you a deeper understanding of how to overcome anxiety. You will then be able to - anonymously - discuss your experiences of anxiety or simply listen to others share their experience.
Q. But, how do I get to feel better?
A. By going through the weekly workshop you will start to understand why you're anxious and learn proven methods to reduce it. You’ll also see that you're not the only one who feels like this. You will also receive every piece of knowledge I have that I’ve amassed over the last 30 years.
Q. How is “Overcome Your Anxiety” delivered?
A. You will receive a pre-workshop structure with downloads and exercises before each workshop. They will be delivered to you before each workshop with plenty of time to work through each one.
Q. What do the exercises consist of?
A. The exercises are scientifically backed worksheets and techniques I will teach you and based on a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approach.
Q. Is that all?
A. You will also discover what foods calm the body, what you need to reset your sleep pattern the best supplements & herbal tinctures for anxiety, which alternative therapies work, what medications have or haven’t worked for other people, how to access the best meditations, put a life reset plan in place and look forwards with confidence and trust.
Q. What support is available?
A. There will be a time to share personal stories and ask question in each weekly workshop which I will personally be running. There will also be a private Facebook group where we can all support each other and which I will also personally be running.
Q. What will I be covering?
A. This is covered in a bit more detail on the website here but I will be focusing on 4 key areas:
1. Discovery: Through the workshops you will discover the reasons for your high anxiety which will help you to understand why you may feel as if everyone else is having a great life while you’re you feel like you're just surviving.
After all, it’s hard to be inspired when you can hardly get out the door. It’s a challenge to focus on finishing a work project when you anxiety is skyrocketing. And when you’re worrying where the next rent/mortgage payment is coming from, your relationships suffer.
When you understand why you feel like this, it begins to calm down your racing mind and gives a little hope that recovery from anxiety is possible.
2. Peers: We see that the true power is in the collective. We can achieve so much together which is impossible alone. And nowhere near as enjoyable! Yet we have a habit of isolating ourselves. If your impression of online courses is one of isolation or irrelevance, prepare to be amazed.
You’ll meet extraordinary like-minded people, and we’ll support you to grow your community. You’ll practice hearing from others who know how you feel so you have a beautifully architected collective of support to draw on when times are tougher than you’d like.
Think of the most supportive, funny, friendly Facebook group you know – and imagine it brought to life. We get you. And I can’t wait to welcome you.
3. Healing: We need a new kind of deep truth to help us heal our symptoms like:
• Feeling nervous, restless or tense
• Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom
• Having an increased heart rate
• Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
• Sweating
• Trembling
• Feeling weak or tired
• Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present
• Having trouble sleeping
• Having difficulty controlling worry
• Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety
As your anxiety diminishes, you will re-discover your authentic self, and discover how to maintain your personal power without people pleasing, compromising or feeling bad.
4. Progress: Having re-established your authentic self, solidified your path, and grown your collective of peers, you are perfectly positioned for progress.
You will welcome momentum and major impact as you identify your vision for your life so you can live each day with meaning and purpose. And then make those changes stick.
It truly is a transformational course, with an aligned and powerful message carried through the voices of the many inspiring members you can discover.
Q. What is the cost?
A. The price of the course is £95.00 This covers:
All course content for the 4 weeks
All downloads which you will receive ahead of time
My 30 years of experience in overcoming anxiety, both personally and by coaching others
Invitation to take part in my LIVE coaching sessions on a Monday evening
Access to a recording if you can’t make it
An invite to share your experiences and ask questions during the live session
My personal support in helping you feel better
Q. Why is it so cheap - surely it can’t be that amazing?
A. I’ve priced the course at £95 based on (and undercut) what live, group coaching courses typically cost.
Good coaches can charge up to £100 per hour for individuals attending one of their groups. For 6 hours of coaching that would typically come in at £600 for the whole course. That’s why £95 is a steal.
Also, I personally charge £100’s per hour for 1-2-1 coaching but I want to reach out to as many people as possible because I get so many requests for help from people through my website or social media. This is a brilliant way for us all to connect. Plus, the peer to peer support has been proven to be one of the best ways to recover our good mental health and stay well.​
The program is even more accessible with my Early Bird Special offering you a BIG 22% discount on the full ticket price.
Q: Will there be other people like me there, or will they all be…more confident, braver, smarter, louder or better than me?
I’ve had lots of variations of the “will I fit in?” question! Well, this is a difficult question… what kind of person are you?
If you aren’t ready to open up to new experiences and discover the incredible journey this course can take you on, then… no. I don’t think this is for you!
If you are ready to embark on the beginning of a transformational journey, committed to growth, not afraid to admit you need help, and not afraid to acknowledge your need for a supportive place to heal - then yes!
The methodologies of “Overcome Your Anxiety” are grounded in common sense and simplicity, coupled with compassion and a desire for change. So the types of people registering are those kind of people.
It’s not about whether you have kids or not, make six-figures or not, are married or not, lead a team or not. It’s about whether you CRAVE something more to make your happiness worth fighting for. If so – it’s for you.
Past members have included people from ALL walks of life. From singers to lawyers, parents, the unemployed, self-made millionaires, healers, parents, coaches, grandparents and any adult who wants to heal their heart.
The people who come are diverse.
But we are unified by one thing.
We are all wanting to heal our minds by overcoming our anxiety.
All different, but all aligned.
All pulled to something bigger, but sometimes trapped by the little things.
If this is you… then join us too.
Just click the button below to purchase your 4 Week Course: